Currently writing this part in the Berlin airport at 1am which sums up this month of flux fairly well I think. (Out there to jump through beurocratic hoops so brexit doesn't screw my chances of living there next year)
✈️ Flying into the UK with news of a new strain of the virus makes me wonder if I should be flying somewhere else...
Seems the season finale of 2020 ends with a double whammy Brexit and mutation mashup.
Anyway, I've split up this post into 2 sections,
A Big Coliving Project I'm launching in 2021, curating homes through data and online events.
A Relational Mindset Shift I've experienced this year.
In the next newsletter, I'll be talking about my personal experience of Europe and Brexit and how it's affected my mindset and plans.
Clustered Curated Coliving
Leading up to and within November I saw a clear rise and convergence of 3 things.
Spatially driven event platforms.
The need for remote communities.
Opportunities for startups in data ownership
TL:DR (Watch this video explanation)
Spatially Driven Event Platforms
I've been following the development of these a lot since March. This is actually a sketch I made of a platform concept to host events.
I've been experimenting with a platform like this for a while to curate and retrieve resources of content, rearrange our physical communities and offer a more intentional alternative to social media.
We are conditioned for social interactions in person and our online tools miss out huge aspects of serendipity, body language and self-organisation.
I came across the platform gathertown and have been hosting some networking events with it recently in the Game B space to really explore this new medium and I think it's got great potential.
Find other online event platforms in this resource I’ve collected.
The need for remote communities
For so many of us, our lifestyle needs have changed massively from this pandemic. Shifts such as:
Appreciating the importance of who you live with
Devaluation of the city (high rents, minimal nature, high virus levels)
Life shifted online in a huge way (New habits die hard too)
Time in lockdown's / furlough to consider life path or start new projects.
I believe the future exists in curated neighbourhoods of remote workers where they can share resources, workspace and talents.
Taking the best benefits of the online world combined with the ultimate supportive home life.
I recently put out this video that gives an example overview of this project.
Startups for data ownership
People curation is a huge opportunity.
It's the core offering of ONCE to help build creative teams, collaborative partnerships, startups, and co-living houses.
Mostly I've been focused on creative teams, with ONCE positioned as an agency but seeing the above need for remote communities it's clear co-living can offer something really important so I'm using this project to test the demand.
I'll be using a combo of interviews and online events to filter people into customized groups based on values and give a selection of remote homes they can live together in extended communities (and bubbles).
Taking advantage of the gap in short term tourism and adding in an alternative for slow travel.
Finally adding the data ownership layer to further connect like-minded people through their interests expressed online.
I am not alone in seeing the opportunity in using collected data for our benefit.
Recently I've been helping a startup in the UK called Ethi who're using the exact same methods to reveal how this data is being collected and used.
Go give them an upvote or check out the platform.
If you know anyone in tech or marketing who'd be interested in getting involved in an opportunity like this please forward this on or drop me an email.
The Relational Mindset
I feel I've experienced a fundamental shift in my perspective on the world these last few months. I liken it to that scene in Arrival when learning an alien language changes how the character sees and experiences the world.
One of the people I believe embodies this language of complexity and who I feel fortunate to know is Emily Stewart. I met her through an event at Life Itself where she first mentioned a passion for something called Warm Data.
Warm data is a way of sitting with information in a way that holds it's context. Seeing the world in a more raw, fluid and complex form without feeding our need to box it in or atomize it. You can find more of a direct explanation on the Bateson institute website.
She's one of those unassuming people who hold a deeply insightful perspective and understanding of the world, something I think many could learn from if they only took the time to look.
If you are one of those people I would recommend reading this piece she just released. I read it on the plane and feel compelled to recommend it to people as it made me strongly consider how I approach the little things in my work and life.
This new way of seeing our external world as a system of systems, sitting with the unknown and holding multiple perspectives has been something I've observed developing for myself this past year, especially recently.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this transformation. This pandemic has made us aware of our interconnected systems as well as the inherent fragility in many of them.
Perhaps it is in this year I have really stepped into embodying the qualities of the metamodernist. 👽
Thanks for reading I massively appreciate all those that take the time to read my writing and follow my work.
Next month I'll give an update on the coliving project and go deep into how Brexit has influenced both my plans and mindset over the years.
I really hope you enjoy what you can toward the end of this year.
🚚 May your supply chains be undisrupted, your rights remain where they are and your family be void of all virus strains.
Merry Christmas everyone. 🎄🎄🎄 See you in 2021.